Aloha guest manager

Two major frustrations for your guests is long waiting times to be seated and not knowing when they are going to be seated. Aloha Guest Manager reduces empty tables, long wait times and reduces walk-outs as it gives accurate wait times.

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    Aloha restaurant epos guest manager software Delivers

    Guest management software, Guest Management, Aloha EPOS

    Efficient Seating

    Match party size to table size; use real-time updates to reduce empty tables

    Guest management software, Guest Management, Aloha EPOS

    Enhanced Customer Service

    Cut customer walk-outs by accurately telling them how long they’ll need to wait

    Guest management software, Guest Management, Aloha EPOS

    A Flexible Floor Plan

    Customisable floor-plan gives up-to-date statistics on waiting and seated parties

    Guest management software, Guest Management, Aloha EPOS

    Operational Analysis

    Identify your problem areas in the seating cycle

    Guest management software, Guest Management, Aloha EPOS

    Personalised Service

    Ensure you spot repeat and VIP guests for personalised service

    Guest management software, Guest Management, Aloha EPOS

    Guest Loyalty

    A great experience means they’re likely to return

    Benefits Of Using Aloha Guest Manager Software

    When your guests arrive, be totally prepared for them. Real-time updates in the guest management software ensure you know which tables are empty, so you can fill them quickly – and you can match the size of the guest’s party easily with available table size.

    For your guests, using a restaurant table management software means quicker seating and reduces the possibility of customers walking out – by letting them know exactly how long they will be waiting, you manage their expectations; most people are willing to wait for a while as long as they know approximately how long it will be.

    Your staff will have a constant up-to-date picture of your floor-plan, which can be tailored to suit your own establishment, and you’ll be able to spot VIP or returning guests thanks to great customer service.

    It all adds up to a professional and pleasant guest experience that builds guest loyalty and brings them back again and again.

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